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Naming Rule Set

The naming ruleset contains rules which assert the naming of different parts of the codebase.


Reports when a boolean property doesn't match a pattern

Active by default: No

Requires Type Resolution

Debt: 5min

Configuration options:

  • allowedPattern (default: '^(is|has|are)')

    naming pattern

  • ignoreOverridden (default: true)

    ignores properties that have the override modifier

Noncompliant Code:

val progressBar: Boolean = true

Compliant Code:

val hasProgressBar: Boolean = true


Reports class or object names that do not follow the specified naming convention.

Active by default: Yes - Since v1.0.0

Debt: 5min

Aliases: ClassName

Configuration options:

  • classPattern (default: '[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*')

    naming pattern


Reports constructor parameter names that do not follow the specified naming convention.

Active by default: Yes - Since v1.0.0

Debt: 5min

Configuration options:

  • parameterPattern (default: '[a-z][A-Za-z0-9]*')

    naming pattern

  • privateParameterPattern (default: '[a-z][A-Za-z0-9]*')

    naming pattern

  • excludeClassPattern (default: '$^')

    ignores variables in classes which match this regex

  • ignoreOverridden (default: true)

    ignores constructor properties that have the override modifier


Reports enum names that do not follow the specified naming convention.

Active by default: Yes - Since v1.0.0

Debt: 5min

Configuration options:

  • enumEntryPattern (default: '[A-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*')

    naming pattern


Reports class names which are forbidden per configuration. By default, this rule does not report any classes. Examples for forbidden names might be too generic class names like ...Manager.

Active by default: No

Debt: 5min

Configuration options:

  • forbiddenName (default: [])

    forbidden class names


Reports when very long function names are used.

Active by default: No

Debt: 5min

Configuration options:

  • maximumFunctionNameLength (default: 30)

    maximum name length


Reports when very short function names are used.

Active by default: No

Debt: 5min

Configuration options:

  • minimumFunctionNameLength (default: 3)

    minimum name length


Reports function names that do not follow the specified naming convention. One exception are factory functions used to create instances of classes. These factory functions can have the same name as the class being created.

Active by default: Yes - Since v1.0.0

Debt: 5min

Aliases: FunctionName

Configuration options:

  • functionPattern (default: '[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*')

    naming pattern

  • excludeClassPattern (default: '$^')

    ignores functions in classes which match this regex

  • ignoreOverridden (default: true)

    ignores functions that have the override modifier


Reports function parameter names that do not follow the specified naming convention.

Active by default: Yes - Since v1.0.0

Debt: 5min

Configuration options:

  • parameterPattern (default: '[a-z][A-Za-z0-9]*')

    naming pattern

  • excludeClassPattern (default: '$^')

    ignores variables in classes which match this regex

  • ignoreOverriddenFunctions (default: true)

    Deprecated: Use ignoreOverridden instead

    ignores overridden functions with parameters not matching the pattern

  • ignoreOverridden (default: true)

    ignores overridden functions with parameters not matching the pattern


Reports when the file location does not match the declared package.

Active by default: Yes - Since v1.21.0

Debt: 5min

Aliases: PackageDirectoryMismatch

Configuration options:

  • rootPackage (default: '')

    if specified this part of the package structure is ignored

  • requireRootInDeclaration (default: false)

    requires the declaration to start with the specified rootPackage


Reports lambda parameter names that do not follow the specified naming convention.

Active by default: No

Debt: 5min

Configuration options:

  • parameterPattern (default: '[a-z][A-Za-z0-9]*|_')

    naming pattern


"If a Kotlin file contains a single non-private class (potentially with related top-level declarations), its name should be the same as the name of the class, with the .kt extension appended. If a file contains multiple classes, or only top-level declarations, choose a name describing what the file contains, and name the file accordingly. Use camel humps with an uppercase first letter (e.g. ProcessDeclarations.kt).

The name of the file should describe what the code in the file does. Therefore, you should avoid using meaningless words such as "Util" in file names." - Official Kotlin Style Guide

More information at:

Active by default: Yes - Since v1.0.0

Debt: 5min

Configuration options:

  • mustBeFirst (default: true)

    name should only be checked if the file starts with a class or object

Noncompliant Code:

class Foo // FooUtils.kt

fun Bar.toFoo(): Foo = ...
fun Foo.toBar(): Bar = ...

Compliant Code:

class Foo { // Foo.kt
fun stuff() = 42

fun Bar.toFoo(): Foo = ...


This rule reports a member that has the same as the containing class or object. This might result in confusion. The member should either be renamed or changed to a constructor. Factory functions that create an instance of the class are exempt from this rule.

Active by default: Yes - Since v1.2.0

Debt: 5min

Configuration options:

  • ignoreOverriddenFunction (default: true)

    Deprecated: Use ignoreOverridden instead

    if overridden functions and properties should be ignored

  • ignoreOverridden (default: true)

    if overridden functions and properties should be ignored

Noncompliant Code:

class MethodNameEqualsClassName {

fun methodNameEqualsClassName() { }

class PropertyNameEqualsClassName {

val propertyEqualsClassName = 0

Compliant Code:

class Manager {

companion object {
// factory functions can have the same name as the class
fun manager(): Manager {
return Manager()


Disallows shadowing variable declarations. Shadowing makes it impossible to access a variable with the same name in the scope.

Active by default: Yes - Since v1.21.0

Requires Type Resolution

Debt: 5min

Noncompliant Code:

fun test(i: Int, j: Int, k: Int) {
val i = 1
val (j, _) = 1 to 2
listOf(1).map { k -> println(k) }
listOf(1).forEach {
listOf(2).forEach {

Compliant Code:

fun test(i: Int, j: Int, k: Int) {
val x = 1
val (y, _) = 1 to 2
listOf(1).map { z -> println(z) }
listOf(1).forEach {
listOf(2).forEach { x ->


Reports when property with 'is' prefix doesn't have a boolean type. Please check the chapter 8.3.2 at Java Language Specification

Active by default: No

Requires Type Resolution

Debt: 5min

Noncompliant Code:

val isEnabled: Int = 500

Compliant Code:

val isEnabled: Boolean = false


Reports property names inside objects that do not follow the specified naming convention.

Active by default: Yes - Since v1.0.0

Debt: 5min

Configuration options:

  • constantPattern (default: '[A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*')

    naming pattern

  • propertyPattern (default: '[A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*')

    naming pattern

  • privatePropertyPattern (default: '(_)?[A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*')

    naming pattern


Reports package names that do not follow the specified naming convention.

Active by default: Yes - Since v1.0.0

Debt: 5min

Aliases: PackageName, PackageDirectoryMismatch

Configuration options:

  • packagePattern (default: '[a-z]+(\.[a-z][A-Za-z0-9]*)*')

    naming pattern


Reports top level constant that which do not follow the specified naming convention.

Active by default: Yes - Since v1.0.0

Debt: 5min

Configuration options:

  • constantPattern (default: '[A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*')

    naming pattern

  • propertyPattern (default: '[A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*')

    naming pattern

  • privatePropertyPattern (default: '_?[A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*')

    naming pattern


Reports when very long variable names are used.

Active by default: No

Debt: 5min

Configuration options:

  • maximumVariableNameLength (default: 64)

    maximum name length


Reports when very short variable names are used.

Active by default: No

Debt: 5min

Configuration options:

  • minimumVariableNameLength (default: 1)

    minimum name length


Reports variable names that do not follow the specified naming convention.

Active by default: Yes - Since v1.0.0

Debt: 5min

Configuration options:

  • variablePattern (default: '[a-z][A-Za-z0-9]*')

    naming pattern

  • privateVariablePattern (default: '(_)?[a-z][A-Za-z0-9]*')

    naming pattern

  • excludeClassPattern (default: '$^')

    ignores variables in classes which match this regex

  • ignoreOverridden (default: true)

    ignores member properties that have the override modifier